Zhee-Klay-Verssage: The World's Finest Classical Reproductions & Original Art

The World's Finest Original Art, Classical Reproductions & Photographic Art

 Art Cheteau is creating Magic and Wonder with Technology

Art Cheteau is creating Magic and Wonder with Technology

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Art Cheteau is creating Magic and Wonder with Technology

Art Chateau has painstakingly developed this amazing Trademark Brand of Focal Point, Mixes-Media paintings...which has captured the imagination of the Interior Design community around the World.

Art Chateau has painstakingly developed this amazing Trademark Brand of Focal Point, Mixes-Media paintings...which has captured the imagination of the Interior Design community around the World.

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Art Chateau has painstakingly developed this amazing Trademark Brand of Focal Point, Mixes-Media paintings...which has captured the imagination of the Interior Design community around the World.

Welcome to the Zhee-Klay-Verssage Revolution & The "Fine Art" of Interior Design.

In 2014 Art Chateau created and Trademarked the World's Finest Brand of Classical Reproduction Art...known as Technique "Zhee-Klay-Verssage." Because of the enormous void in High-End, Reproduction Fine Art, we painstakingly developed this amazing Brand of Focal Point paintings that has captured the imagination of the Interior Design community. At the Art Chateau Studios, our mission was to Remaster and create a new benchmark for superior reproductions that has enabled designers to effectively decorate with Large-Format pictures, framed and unframed.

Our Trademark Mixed-Media process involves Corrections and Enhancement to Classical Digital Images, followed by carefully printing on Fine Archival canvas. Continuing, we meticulously apply Fine art pencils, Acrylic paint, and High-End Airbrush to the canvas. Finally, our Mixed-Media paintings are finished with a proprietary Hand-Crafted Semi-Gloss varnish with Ultra UV protection, a truly brilliant idea! The results are Stunning Focal Point Design paintings of unparalleled quality.

We began as an outlet for Interior designers to purchase Classical Fine Art Reproductions. Eventually, Architects, Hoteliers, and Restaurateurs began to use our professional art services to create dramatic Focal Point Design; further, we provide Period Fine Art Reproductions for the Motion Picture Industry. Simply put, technique "Zhee-Klay-Verssage" equals Cutting-Edge and Absolute HD Gallery presentation. As an adjunct, in 2017, we began to apply our Trademark process to Original works of Fine Art and Limited Editions as well.

Art Chateau is not, and will never be a poster farm generating thousands of Low-Quality prints. We are a State of the Art Company, passionate about what we do and will always put Customer Service at the forefront of our business model. If you're looking to create elegance & ambiance with a heartwarming sense of satisfaction...please allow the Art Chateau team to work with you on your next decorating project.

"The Purpose of Art is Washing the Dust of Daily Life off our Souls" ... Pablo Picasso