This large Art Deco Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced reproduction of "The Convalescent" while the original oil painting was rendered in 1932 by Polish Artist Tamara de Lempicka. Our astounding Mixed Media work of art has been meticulously retouched at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage.
The Convalescent, after painting by Tamara de LempickaTamara de Lempicka Polish (1898 - 1980) |
This large Art Deco Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced reproduction of "The Convalescent" while the original oil painting was rendered in 1932 by Polish Artist Tamara de Lempicka. Our astounding Mixed Media work of art has been meticulously retouched at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage. |
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