Born in Bourdeaux, France...architect Felix Duban was a designer in the Beaux-Arts tradition who was influenced by newly discovered Etruscan artifacts and the art from the great Rebirth encountered in his Italian travels. Here we see a caprice or imaginary architectural scene sketched by the master late in life in homage to the entombed city. A Mixed-Media work of art.
Architectural Fantasy, after Felix DubanFĂ©lix Duban French (1797 - 1870) |
Born in Bourdeaux, France...architect Felix Duban was a designer in the Beaux-Arts tradition who was influenced by newly discovered Etruscan artifacts and the art from the great Rebirth encountered in his Italian travels. Here we see a caprice or imaginary architectural scene sketched by the master late in life in homage to the entombed city. A Mixed-Media work of art. |
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