Set in an all-girls boarding school, this groundbreaking motion picture about the sexual awakening of a teenager stars Hertha Thiele as Manuela and Dorothea Wieck as the headmistress with whom she grows infatuated. Released just before Hitler and Nazism supplanted the Weimar Republic, Madchen in Uniform's frank exploration of lesbianism led to the 1931 film being banned in Germany. Later, the United States. This Remastered, Mixed-Media, Vintage Movie Poster is perfect for modern interiors and luxury Ascaya homes for sale in Las Vegas.
Ascaya Homes for Sale Las VegasGaumont Franco Film Aubert French (c.1931 - ) |
Set in an all-girls boarding school, this groundbreaking motion picture about the sexual awakening of a teenager stars Hertha Thiele as Manuela and Dorothea Wieck as the headmistress with whom she grows infatuated. Released just before Hitler and Nazism supplanted the Weimar Republic, Madchen in Uniform's frank exploration of lesbianism led to the 1931 film being banned in Germany. Later, the United States. This Remastered, Mixed-Media, Vintage Movie Poster is perfect for modern interiors and luxury Ascaya homes for sale in Las Vegas. |
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