This large, Weimar Period Painting is a faithful yet nuanced work of art titled "Frau und Saturn" while the original tableau was rendered in 1922 by German artist Hannah Hoch. She was best known as an artist from the Dada Movement and was one of the originators of photomontage. This unique Mixed-Media work of art was painstakingly remastered at our Studios in 2016. Perfect for Art Deco Interiors.
Hudson Yards Interior Design, after Hannah HochHannah Hoch ( - ) |
This large, Weimar Period Painting is a faithful yet nuanced work of art titled "Frau und Saturn" while the original tableau was rendered in 1922 by German artist Hannah Hoch. She was best known as an artist from the Dada Movement and was one of the originators of photomontage. This unique Mixed-Media work of art was painstakingly remastered at our Studios in 2016. Perfect for Art Deco Interiors. |
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