This large Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced Mixed-Media reproduction of "The Underworld," originally rendered by the French artist Jean Theodore Dupas in the 1930s. This unique work of art has been painstakingly remastered at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage. This Mixed-Media work of art and perfect for a Manhattan Penthouse on the Upper East Side.
Upper East Side Penthouse in ManhattanJean Theodore Dupas ( - ) |
This large Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced Mixed-Media reproduction of "The Underworld," originally rendered by the French artist Jean Theodore Dupas in the 1930s. This unique work of art has been painstakingly remastered at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage. This Mixed-Media work of art and perfect for a Manhattan Penthouse on the Upper East Side. |
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