This large French Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced version of "Psyche and her Sisters," while the original painting was rendered by Italian artist Rosalba Carriera in the mid-1720s. This wonderful Mixed-Media drawing was remastered at the Studios of Art Chateau and can be custom-sized or Supersized. Perfect for French Chateaus in Southlake, Texas.
French Chateau Southlake, TXRosalba Carriera ( - ) |
This large French Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced version of "Psyche and her Sisters," while the original painting was rendered by Italian artist Rosalba Carriera in the mid-1720s. This wonderful Mixed-Media drawing was remastered at the Studios of Art Chateau and can be custom-sized or Supersized. Perfect for French Chateaus in Southlake, Texas. |
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