This large Expressionist Painting is a faithful yet nuanced Mixed-Media painting titled "Repetition" and was originally rendered by Raphael Delorme in 1945. He began as a theatre decorator in Paris, and when he was encouraged by his cousin, Madame Metalier, Delorme then devoted himself to painting. This remastered, Mixed-Media tableau from Art Chateau is perfect for luxury homes in New Orleans, Louisiana.
New Orleans, LA Luxury HomesRaphael Delorme ( - ) |
This large Expressionist Painting is a faithful yet nuanced Mixed-Media painting titled "Repetition" and was originally rendered by Raphael Delorme in 1945. He began as a theatre decorator in Paris, and when he was encouraged by his cousin, Madame Metalier, Delorme then devoted himself to painting. This remastered, Mixed-Media tableau from Art Chateau is perfect for luxury homes in New Orleans, Louisiana. |
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