This large Mixed-Media Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced reproduction of Lucrezia Panciatichi and Son, while the original Renaissance Painting was rendered in 1540 by Agnolo Bronzino. Our unique tableau was painstakingly remastered in 2019 and would be a welcome addition to any period-style home or French Chateau in Flower Mound, Texas.
French Chateau in Flower Mound, TexasAgnolo Bronzino Italian (1503 - 1572) |
This large Mixed-Media Masterpiece is a faithful yet nuanced reproduction of Lucrezia Panciatichi and Son, while the original Renaissance Painting was rendered in 1540 by Agnolo Bronzino. Our unique tableau was painstakingly remastered in 2019 and would be a welcome addition to any period-style home or French Chateau in Flower Mound, Texas. |
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